Competition Timeline
30th June
Deadline for entry.
Approval to our Facebook group account.
Please download the original competition music and check workshops information in our facebook group.
3rd July -> Extended to 5th July
Send in the 1st round videos to ‘Ori Ori-lympic.
15th July
Announcement for the finalists.
Download Final round music, announcement of the Theme.
Also post judges’ criteria short videos on social media.
17th July -> Changed to the weekend of 18th & 19th July
Test-run for final round.
We will go live with each participants and do a small chat just to make sure they can join the final round live without any problems. We will troubleshoot it on this day. On this day finalists will not dance, but instead finalists will do a little introduction of themselves. (answers to short questionnaires)
19th July
Announcement for the final round schedule.
25th-26th July
Final round. (Exact date and time will announce based on finalists' time zone and test run results one week prior.)
26th July
Final round result announcement.
31st July
Send the prize money through PayPal.